Moje ime je Petar Mlakar, svećenik sam Varaždinske biskupije, trenutno na službi župnika in solidum u Ludbregu, u Župi Presvetog Trojstva i Svetištu Predragocjene Krvi Kristove. Osim toga, prošle godine povjerena mi je služba duhovnika pokreta Kursiljo za Varaždinsku biskupiju. Rođeni sam Varaždinec, brojim 39 godina, a sretno sam zaređen za svećenika već 11 godina.
Za Kursiljo sam prvi put čuo od svog starijeg brata Matije koji je jednog ljeta sudjelovao na ljetnom kampu Kursilja na otočiću Krapnju. Potaknut njegovim dojmovima odlučio sam i ja idućeg ljeta otići na Krapanj. To je bilo otprilike 2007. godine. Iskustvo na otoku snažno me se dojmilo. Jako mi je duši godilo slušati divna i poticajna svjedočanstva mladih animatora, sudjelovati u radu u grupama, molitvama i cjelokupnoj atmosferi koja je odisala radošću, zajedništvom, opuštenošću. U svemu tome mogla se doživjeti blizina Isusa Krista na jedan poseban način. Zato se otada svake godine vraćam na Krapanj, a otkako sam postao svećenik svakog ljeta jedan tjedan svog godišnjeg odmora provedem na jednom od termina kako bih kao svećenik bio na raspolaganju za ispovijedi, razgovore, teme…
Jedan od najsnažnijih utisaka Kursilja na Krapnju na mene su imale teme koje drži vlč. Andrija Vrane, duhovnik Kursilja za Hrvatsku. Način na koji on govori pomogao mi je produbiti vjeru i doživljaj Krista i vlastite vrijednosti kao sina u Njegovim očima. Mislim da vlč. Andrija ima dar povesti vjernike u dubinu odnosa s Ocem, u zahvalnost, u divljenje, u slobodu. Možda bih od svih plodova Kursilja istaknuo upravo tu unutarnju sigurnost, mir i bezbrižnost koja se u duši rađa kada nas duboko dotakne spoznaja Božje očinske ljubavi i brige za nas – da je On već sve bitno za nas riješio. No, biti bezbrižan ne znači ni o čemu ne voditi brigu, nego baš suprotno, raditi još revnije ono na što smo pozvani, ali u pouzdanju i smirenosti srca. U Kursilju sam naučio da je DAR s Božje strane DAR, a s naše strane, obrnuto, RAD. Pa kad čovjek RADI sa svojim DAROVIMA, dolazi do iskustva RADOSTI. Jednostavna misao i igra riječima, a vrlo duboka.
Osim Kursilja na Krapnju sudjelovao sam u mnogim krizmaničkim tečajevima i na nekoliko tečajeva za odrasle na raznim župama. S vremenom sam izradio vlastiti nacrt za svaku svećeničku temu i raduje me kada mogu svjedočiti za Krista na taj način. Mnogo sam naučio i od vlč. Stjepana Najmana koji je prije mene bio duhovnik Kursilja za Varaždinsku biskupiju. Zahvalan sam Bogu na tim svećenicima preko kojih je Krist izgrađivao (i još uvijek to čini) mene kao osobu, vjernika, svećenika. A ono gdje vidim da ja kao svećenik mogu možda najviše dati jesu pojedinačni razgovori i ispovijedi. Kako se program Kursilja razvija i milost Božja djeluje, mnogi sudionici osjete potrebu za razgovorom sa svećenikom i/ili sakramentom Pomirenja. Događa se tada nešto sveto – otvaranje Bogu. Privilegij je biti u mogućnosti u tim trenucima biti tu za vjernike koji traže Krista i otvaraju Mu se te im u Njegovo Ime udijeliti oproštenje, riječ ohrabrenja, utjehe, savjeta… Rekao bih da se svećenik na Malom tečaju kršćanstva može na poseban način doživjeti upravo kao svećenik, činiti ono što je sržno u svećeničkoj službi i doživjeti ljepotu svog poziva. Taj svećenički „rad“ tijekom Kursilja zna biti zahtjevan i može malo umoriti, ali srce bude blagoslovljeno, ispunjeno radošću, mirom i ljubavlju Kristovom koja se izlije i na mene kroz tolike susrete… U tom služenju doista je radost i zbog toga – slava Isusu i de colores!
My name is Petar Mlakar, I am a priest of the Diocese of Varaždin, currently serving as a priest in solidum in Ludbreg, in the Parish of the Holy Trinity and the Sanctuary of the Precious Blood of Christ. In addition, last year I was entrusted with the service of the spiritual adviser of the Cursillo movement for the Diocese of Varaždin. I was born in Varaždin, I’m 39 years old, and Ive been a happily ordained priest for 11 years.
I first heard about Cursillo from my older brother Matija, who participated one summer at the Cursillo summer camp on the island of Krapanj. Encouraged by his impressions, I also decided to go to Krapanj the following summer. That was around 2007. The experience on the island strongly impressed me. It really pleased my soul to listen to the wonderful and stimulating testimonies of young animators, participate in group work, prayers and the overall atmosphere that exuded joy, togetherness, relaxation. A person could experience the closeness of Jesus Christ in a special way in all of this. That’s why I have returned to Krapanj every year since then, and since I’ve become a priest, I’ve spent one week of my annual vacation there every summer, in order to be available for confessions, conversations, topics…
One of the strongest impressions of Cursillo I’ve experienced on Krapanj were the topics held by rev. Andrija Vrane, the spiritual advisor for Cursillo in Croatia. The way he speaks helped me deepen my faith and the experience of Christ and one’s own worth as a son in His eyes. I think that Fr. Andrija has the gift of leading believers into a deeper relationship with the Father, into gratitude, into admiration, into freedom. Maybe out of all the fruits of Cursillo, I would like to point out the inner security, peace and carelessness that live in the soul when we are deeply touched by the knowledge of God’s paternal love and care for us – that He already resolved everything important for us. However, being carefree does not mean not taking care of anything, quite the opposite. It means doing even more zealously what we are called to do, but with confidence and calmness of heart. In Cursillo, I learned that a gift from God’s side is a GIFT, and from our side, conversely, WORK. (In Croatian – these words are DAR – RAD.) So when a man works with his GIFTS, he experiences JOY (RADOST). A simple thought and a play on words, but very deep.
In addition to Cursillo on Krapanj, I’ve participated in many Cursillos for confirmation candidates and in several courses for adults in various parishes. Over time, I’ve created my own outlines for each “priest” topic and it makes me happy when I can testify for Christ in that way. I’ve also learned a lot from rev. Stjepan Najman, who was the spiritual advisor for Cursillo for the Diocese of Varaždin before me. I am grateful to God for those priests through whom Christ built (and still builds) me as a person, a believer, a priest. And what I see that I, as a priest, can perhaps do the most are individual conversations and confessions. As the Cursillo program unfolds, so the grace of God works, and many participants feel the need to talk with a priest and/or to confess their sins in the sacrament of Reconciliation. Something sacred happens at that point – they open to God. It is a privilege to be able to be available for people who seek Christ and open their hearts to Him in these moments, and to grant them forgiveness in His Name, a word of encouragement, consolation, advice… I would say that the priest on Cursillo can be experienced in a special way precisely as a priest, doing what is central to priestly service, and experience the beauty of his calling. That priestly “work” during Cursillo can be demanding and can be a little tiring, but my heart gets blessed, filled with joy, peace and with the love of Christ, which is also poured out on me through so many encounters… there is truly joy in service and for that – glory to Jesus and de colores!