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Sve boje Kursilja – Hrvoje Brčić

Ja sam Hrvoje Brčić iz Zagreba, imam 36 godina i završio sam Građevinski fakultet. Imam mlađeg brata i dvije mlađe sestre, dolazim iz Župe Marije Pomoćnice na Knežiji. Odmalena obožavam igrati mali nogomet, a ono što mi je posebno lijepo je volontiranje, darivanje sebe drugima.

Na Krapanj sam prvi put došao na ljetovanje 2013. godine na poziv prijatelja Maria. Bio sam na mnogim drugim kampovima, ali to ljeto sam osjetio jednu razliku. Svaki dan su bila dva svjedočanstva i toliko dirljivih priča i susreta, dubokih i moćnih trenutaka. Osjeća se jedno prihvaćanje i nevjerojatna količina opuštenosti radi koje sam poželio postati dio te ekipe. Nakon ljeta sam dobio poziv na formaciju animatora i tako sam se uključio u Kursiljo. Vrlo brzo smo gotovo svakog vikenda imali tečaj za krizmanike na župama. Bila mi je velika čast biti voditeljem krizmaničkog tima. S ekipom animatora sam djelovao u timu za mlade i formativnom timu. Trenutno djelujem u timu za školu za animatore, gdje kontinuirano svake druge srijede imamo susrete i upoznajemo Kursiljo i animiranje kroz teme i rad u grupama.

Ispočetka sam se pitao o čemu mogu svjedočiti kad nisam nikad bio u drogi, kocki ni alkoholu. Što ću uopće govoriti kad nisam obraćenik koji je poljubio dno i spoznao ljepotu Božje milosti. Zato nikad neću zaboraviti savjet prijatelja Vite na jednoj formaciji: „Baš zato što nemaš samo jedan trenutak milosti, ti možeš svjedočiti o bilo kojoj temi svaki dan.“ Jer tako otvaram oči tražiti Božja čuda u svakom trenutku. I većina je mladih u istom košu, koji se smatraju prosjekom. Ovo je svakome ohrabrenje da ne moramo tražiti senzaciju koju ćemo stalno ponavljati i prepričavati godinama, postati sami sebi dosadni, nego dopustiti Mu biti olovka u Njegovoj ruci.

Na susretima je lijepo vidjeti promjenu na licima krizmanika i mladih, neopisivu radost. Većina njih na prvi dan tečaja dođe malo preplašeno, s upitnicima iznad glave kao zašto sad tu moraju biti. Drugi dan se primjećuje zezancija i opuštena atmosfera, dok treći dan više nitko ne želi ići kući. Nevjerojatno je koliko zapravo možemo djelovati jedni na druge, poput domino efekta. Svjesni kako nijedno svjedočanstvo nije plod našeg rada, već dar Duha Svetoga koji sve to nosi. Napišeš jednu temu na papir, ali pred mladima si bez toga, ne možeš čitati. Često puta za ono što misliš da nisi trebao reći, što ti zvuči čudno ili glupo, ispadne kako je baš to dotaknulo nečije srce.

Kao dijete prvu riječ sam izgovorio tek s dvije godine te sam inače bio jako šutljiv. U srednjoj školi postao sam salezijanski animator, gdje sam naučio puno igara. Zato su me u Kursilju često zvali oko savjeta za igre. Riječ animator znači ,,daj dušu”, dakle prvi pruži ruku. Tako sam se naučio biti otvoreniji i prilaziti drugima. Platon je rekao:“Možete otkriti više o osobi u sat vremena igre, nego u godinu dana razgovora.“ Možda su mi najupečatljivija sjećanja s igrama one u Petrinji na susretu ministranata gdje je preko četiristo djece i mladih trčalo, skakalo i smijalo se na jednoj ogromnoj livadi. I lov na blago koji sam vodio na Krapnju. Po cijelom otoku se rješavalo zagonetke, pokazujući koje je moje blago, doći u nebo.

Najljepše mi je u Kursilju pokušaj pronalaska Isusa u prvoj osobi do sebe. Tada mogu gledati u bilo koga s oduševljenjem, s totalnom opuštenošću nakon čega nastaje taj jedan zanos, polet. Raj koji možeš živjeti već na zemlji.

My name is Hrvoje Brčić, I am 36 years old and I come from Zagreb. I graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering. I have a younger brother and two younger sisters; I come from the parish of Mary Help of Christians in Knežija. I have always loved playing football, and what has always been especially nice to me is volunteering and sharing my free time with others.

The first time I came to Krapanj was in 2013 at the invitation of my friend Maria. I’ve been to many other camps, but that summer I felt one difference. Every day there were two testimonies and so many touching stories and encounters, deep and powerful moments. There was a sense of acceptance and an incredible amount of relaxation that made me want to be a part of that team. After the summer, I received an invitation to become the animator, and so I joined Cursillo. Soon we had courses for confirmation candidates almost every weekend. Along with the animation team, I worked with the youth team and the formative team. I am currently working in the team for the school for animators, where we have continuous meetings every second Wednesday and get to know more about Cursillo and animation through presentations and group work.

At first, I wondered what I could testify about when I had never been into drugs, gambling, or alcohol. What am I going to say when I’m not a convert who kissed the bottom and realized the beauty of God’s grace? That is why I will never forget the advice of my friend Vito in one formation: „Just because you do not have just one moment of grace, you can testify on any topic of everyday life“. That is how I opened my eyes to seek God’s miracles at all times. And most young people are in the same basket, which is considered average. This is an encouragement to everyone that we do not have to look for a sensation that we will constantly repeat and retell for years, becoming boring to ourselves, but allow Him to make us a pencil in His hand.

At Cursillo, it is nice to see the change on the faces of confirmation candidates and young people, it is an indescribable joy. Most of them come on the first day a little scared, wondering why they have to be there now. On the second day, there is a lot of fun and a relaxed atmosphere, while on the third day no one wants to go home. It’s amazing how much we can influence each other. We are aware that no testimony is the fruit of our work, but the gift of the Holy Spirit who carries it all. The testimony you have is written on paper, but in front of young people you don’t even need paper, you can’t read. Often something you think you shouldn’t have said or which sounds weird or stupid to you, turns out to be exactly what touched someone’s heart.

As a child, I said my first word when I was two years old and I was a very silent kid. In high school, I became a Salesian animator and I learned a lot of games there. That’s why in the Cursillo I was often asked for advice related to games. The word „animator“ means „to give your soul“, to be the first to extend your hand. So I learned to be more open and approach others. Plato said: „You can find out more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.“ Perhaps my most memorable memories of the games are those in Petrinja at a ministerial meeting where over four hundred children and youth ran, jumped, and laughed in one huge meadow. And the treasure hunt I led at Krapanj. Riddles were solved all over the island, showing what a treasure it was getting to Heaven.

The most beautiful thing for me in Cursillo is the attempt to find Jesus in the first person next to me. Then I can look at anyone with enthusiasm and relaxation, after which that joy arises. It is like Heaven that you can already live here on Earth.

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