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Sve boje Kursilja – Luka Sente

Zovem se Luka Sente, imam 24 godine i dolazim iz srca Zagorja, točnije, iz Začretja. Prije nekoliko mjeseci završio sam studij za vjeroučitelja – Teološko religijske znanosti i uz pomoć Božje providnosti već sam uspio naći i dobiti posao na puno radno vrijeme u jednoj osnovnoj školi. Radim s djecom od 1. do 4. razreda i kroz taj sam posao spoznao da mi to najbolje leži, da bih to volio raditi cijeli život. Što se tiče hobija, dosta sam aktivan u svojoj župi.

Prvi sam puta na Krapnju bio kao mali, mislim da sam imao negdje četiri godine. Moji su roditelji bili suradnici tako da su mi prvi doticaji sa Kursiljom bili na obiteljskim terminima. Sjećam se da je današnja Andrijina kuća tada bila radiona. Sjećam se i kako su tek gradili tu kuću i nosili kamenje, a ja sam se vozio u prikolici. Jako mi je zanimljivo da se ne sjećam baš puno stvari iz djetinjstva dok se toga svega sjećam poprilično jasno, kao da je bilo jučer. Moj prvi, mogao bih reći svjesniji odlazak na Krapanj bio je 2015. godine. Tada sam bio srednjoškolac i otišao sam na poticaj bratića, sestrične i sestre koji su bili na ljetovanju godinu prije mene i vratili se puni dojmova. Iako sam oduvijek u vjeri, nikad nisam iskusio živoga Boga do tog termina na Krapnju. Sjećam se da me posebno dotakla ispovijed te klanjanje na kojem sam i doživio da je Bog živ. Ne znam kako to bolje objasniti budući da se nije dogodilo ništa spektakularno – jednostavno sam bio u prisutnosti pred Presvetim i Njegovom milošću primio spoznaju ne čineći ništa. Osim iskustva na klanjanju, u Kursiljo su me privukli ljudi koji su doživjeli isto što i ja, način na koji ih je to iskustvo promijenilo i to što radi toga oni danas žive drugačije od svijeta, radosno. Vjera mi je oduvijek bila važna, išao sam na sv. Misu, no mislim da sam živio život na dvije stolice – pokušavao sam živjeti kršćanski dok sam se s druge strane želio prilagoditi društvu. Mislim da je jedan od najboljih načina za poticanja na promijenu kada vidiš drugoga kako živi jer tada i sam poželiš isto. Tako sam i ja, gledajući radost na licima promijenjenih ljudi na Krapnju, poželio promjenu i odlučio raditi na sebi s Gospodinom. Te iste godine me jedan animator pozvao na formaciju u Cerju. Rado sam se odazvao jer sam aktivnije uključivanje u Kursiljo vidio kao priliku da svoju odluku za drugačije provedem u djelo. U Kursilju trenutno imam više funkcija: animiram na krizmaničkim tečajevima, djelujem u formativnom timu, u timu za čitanje tema te na studentskim susretima koje smatram izrazito važnima jer je hvale vrijedna inicijativa to da se pokušava kroz godinu nastaviti zajedništvo mladih i u Zagrebu.

Jedna velika stvar koja se u mom životu kroz Kursiljo promijenila je moja sramežljivost. Bog je uspio od jako sramežljive osobe napraviti novog mene koji danas možda i uopće više nemam s tim problem na način na koji sam imao. Kad gledam unazad, to je sve bilo postepeno i vjerujem da je veliki utjecaj imala ta konstantna bliskost među ljudima u Kursilju i to što se nikad među njima nisam osjećao zapostavljeno. Koliko god ljudi bilo i koliko god se malo osoba blisko poznavalo, nitko nikad među nama nije sam. Puno je i pomogla sama prisutnost uz ljude koji rade dobre i lijepe stvari, kako za druge tako i za sebe, te sam i sam onda dobio poticaj s Bogom rušiti svoje granice i izlaziti iz svoju okvira. Bila je jedna situacija koju pamtim, išao sam na krizmanički tečaj sa svim starijim animatorima i mislio sam si „pa šta ću ja sad tamo, oni su svi odrasli, neću se snaći među njima“. Na kraju je sve bilo toliko dobro i blagoslovljeno i Bog mi je dao spoznaju da se u istom duhu sve može nevažno tko ima koliko godina.

Po meni, ljepota u Kursilju je baš ta jedna otvorenost, nismo zajednica koja je okrenuta u sebe nego prema van. Sve što primiš tamo možeš – i pozvan si – dati svugdje, kako u župi, tako i u svijetu. Cilj je da ljudi djeluju. Kursiljo te osposobljuje da možeš donositi više ploda u svojem, ali i tuđim životima baš zbog tog iskustva Krista živoga Boga u sakramentima i u susretu s ljudima koji žive vjeru. To iskustvo obogaćuje tvoj život a tako ti onda možeš obogatiti druge tj ne ti već Krist u tebi.

My name is Luka Sente. I am 24 years old and I come from the heart of Zagorje, more precisely, from Začretje. Several months ago, I completed my studies for a religion teacher – Theological and Religious Sciences. With the help of God’s Providence, I have already managed to find and get a full-time job in one primary school. I work with children from 1st to 4th grade, and through that job I realized that it suits me best and that I would love to do it my whole life. As for my hobbies, I am quite active in my parish.

The first time I was on Krapanj I was a child, about four years old. My parents were associates, so my first contact with Cursillo was on family week. I remember that Andrija’s current house used to be a workshop. I also remember how they were just building that house and carrying stones, while I rode in the trailer. Even though I don’t really remember a lot of stuff from my childhood, those memories are pretty clear. My first real trip to Krapanj was in 2015. I was a high school student and I went because my cousins and sister encouraged me after they had been there previously and returned with a really good impression. Although I have always been religious, I had never experienced the living God up until that time on Krapanj. I remember being especially touched by confession and adoration, where I experienced that God is alive. I don’t know how to explain it better since nothing spectacular happened – I was simply present before the Blessed Sacrament and received cognition by His grace, by doing nothing myself. Apart from the experience of worship, I was attracted to Cursillo by people who had experienced the same as I had, and who, because of that, live differently from the rest of the world, live a life full of joy. Faith has always been important to me. I was attending Mass, but it seems to me that I had been sitting on two chairs – I tried to live a Christian life while on the other hand, I wanted to adapt to society. I think one of the best ways to encourage change is to see how well your neighbor lives because it makes you want to do the same. So have I, having seen the joy on the faces of people on Krapanj, wished for change and decided to work on myself with the Lord. That very year, an animator invited me to a formation in Cerje. I gladly responded because I saw that a more active role in Cursillo could help me change. I currently have several functions in Cursillo: I animate in Cursillos for confirmation candidates, I work in the formative team, in the team for reading and correcting testimonies, and I take part in animating at student meetings that I consider enormously important because of their praiseworthy initiative to try to keep the youth united even throughout the year in Zagreb.

The one thing that has changed in my life because of Cursillo is my shyness. God managed to turn me from a very shy person into a new me who has no problem with it whatsoever. Looking back, it was all gradual, and I believe that it is due to the constant closeness among the people in Cursillo and the fact that I always felt accepted among them. No matter how many people there are and no matter how few of them are familiar with one another, no one is ever alone among us. The presence of people who do good both to others and to themselves encouraged me to break down my boundaries and get out of my box. I remember one situation when I went to a Cursillo for confirmation candidates with the older animators, and I thought to myself: “So what am I going to do there now? They are all adults, I will not get along with them. ” In the end, everything was good and blessed, and God gave me the realization that in the same spirit, anything can be done no matter who is what age.

In my opinion, the beauty of Cursillo can be seen through its openness: we are not a community that is faced towards itself but rather outwards. Everything you receive here, you can – and you are called to – give everywhere, both in the parish and in the world. The goal is to get people to act. Cursillo empowers you to be able to bear more fruit on your own, but also in other people’s lives precisely because of the experience of Christ, the living God, in the sacraments and in the encounter with people who live the faith. That experience enriches your life and so you can enrich others. That is, not you, but – Christ in you.

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