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Sve boje Kursilja – Petra Jelinčić

Bok svima! Zovem se Petra Jelinčić, imam 24 godine, studiram komunikologiju i trenutno pišem diplomski čija tema je Google efekt: Utjecaj medija na sposobnost pamćenja i konstrukciju identiteta. Moju obitelj čine dva brata, sestra, mama, ja i tata koji se ove godine vratio našem Stvoritelju. U slobodno vrijeme se volim dosta šetati, ti trenuci provedeni na zraku me smiruju i opuštaju. Također uživam u dugim razgovorima sa prijateljima jer u mojoj glavi ne može biti ništa zanimljivije od ljudi i smatram da puno učimo jedni od drugih. Trenutno radim u odvjetničkom uredu.

Za Kursiljo sam čula 2018. godine od prijatelja. Sestra je bila ta koju je oduševio, dok ja nisam o tome pretjerano razmišljala te me ona i prijavila. Moram priznat da sam, kad sam došla na Krapanj, bila vrlo zatvorena prema ljudima tako da se nisam puno družila i nisam imala potrebu za socijalizacijom. Mene je više fascinirao sam sadržaj koji je bio u isto vrijeme jednostavan, duhovan i toliko bogat svime dobrim. Nije bilo puno teoretiziranja, već je bilo ljudski i duboko. Uz sve ostale spektre Krapnja najviše me oduševio spoj 6 nepoznatih i različitih ljudi koji svaki dan pričaju o raznovrsnim temama, i smatram da je to jedan obilan Božji blagoslov Kursilja u kojem sam pronašla tolike skrivene i jedinstvene Božje bisere. Kroz to cijelo iskustvo, Krapanj mi je otvorio oči da više ne budem toliko zatvorena prema ljudima i na tome sam zahvalna. Postala sam svjesnija sebe.

Animatorica sam dvije i pol godine sa vrlo spontanim i brzim početkom. Nazvao me jedan animator (Hulk) i pitao želim li i ja biti animatorica na što odgovaram „pa može“. Tako sam otišla na svoju prvu formaciju gdje sam odmah dogovorila odlazak na krizmanički i tu kreće moja Kursiljo priča. Unatoč spontanosti se već na prvom tečaju javlja jedno oduševljenje radom Kursilja. Uz sve ljepote koje možeš doživjeti na tečaju kao animator, najnevjerojatnije mi je bilo iskustvo da kroz tu jednu jednostavnu vrstu davanja drugome ti sam možeš toliko puno primiti, i imaš privilegiju tim davanjem biti dio nečijeg tuđeg duhovnog puta.

U zadnjih godinu dana preuzimam ulogu voditeljice tima za studentske susrete i tu je najviše Bog djelovao u mom životu u toj godini kroz Kursiljo. Moram priznati da mi je uloga voditelja na neki način došla neočekivano. Drugi su prvi prepoznali u meni potencijal za voditi tako nešto dok sam ja imala problem sa prihvaćanjem i samu sam sebe uvjeravala kako ja to ne mogu, ne želim i kako je moje mjesto ostati animatoricom. Unatoč nesigurnostima sam odlučila probati i stvarno sam se trudila predati sve to Bogu, da prihvatim da sam voditeljica tima i sve odgovornosti koje to nosi. Kako smo započeli sa studentskim susretima uživo po prvi puta, meni je to sve bilo jako stresno., pitala sam se „kako će to sve biti? Hoće li biti dobro, neće li biti?“ i prvi susret je u mojim očima prošao katastrofalno. Uvjerila sam se da je svima bilo jako loše, da se nitko više nikada neće pojaviti, htjela sam sve promijeniti u organizaciji i malo sam zaboravila na Boga. Nakon tog susreta je uslijedio sastanak gdje sam kroz razgovor sa najboljom prijateljicom i članovima tima po Duhu Svetom zaključila da je meni ova uloga stvarno dana od Boga. Nisam ju birala, čak sam bila i uvjerena da ju ne želim dok sam sad sigurna da je to Božji plan za moj život. Shvatila sam da je On tu glavni i da će On napraviti što treba. Taj „križ“ mi više nije bio tako težak. Već drugi susret je potvrdio zaključak te večeri, i cijeli taj zadatak mi je pomogao da više vjerujem Bogu i njegovom planu za moj život. Osjećam se vrlo ponosno što sam dio svega toga.

Hi all! My name is Petra Jelinčić, I’m 24 years old and I am studying communication science. I am currently writing a master’s thesis on topic of Google effect: the influence of media on memory ability and identity construction. My family is made of my two brothers, sister, mom, me and my dad who returned to Heaven this year. In my free time I like to walk a lot, those moments spent on fresh air calm me down and relax me. I also enjoy long conversations with friends since there couldn’t be anything more interesting than people for me and I think we can learn a lot from each other. I’m currently working at a law firm.

I heard about Cursillo in 2018 from a friend. My sister was the one who was thrilled by it while I didn’t really think much about it,so she was the one who signed me in. I have to admit that when I came to Krapanj, I was very closed towards other people, I didn’t hang out much and didn’t need any socialization. I was more fascinated by the content itself, which was simple, spiritual and so full of everything good – all at the same time. There wasn’t much theory, it was human and deep.Along with all the other specters of Krapanj, I was most impressed by the combination of 6 unknown and different kinds of people who talked every day about various topics, and I think that this is one abundant God’s blessing in Cursillo in which I found so many hidden and unique God’s pearls. Through this whole experience, Krapanj opened my eyes not to be so closed offtowards people anymore, and for that I am grateful. I’ve become more aware of myself.

I’ve been a Cursillo animator for two and a half years with a very spontaneous and fast start. I got a call from one of the animators (Hulk) asking if I wanted to be one too, to which I answered „well, I do.“ So I went to my first animator course where I immediately arranged to go to Cursillo for confirmation candidates and that’s where my Cursillo story starts. Despite the spontaneity, there was already an enthusiasm for the work of Cursillo. With all the beauty you can experience in theCursillo as the animator, the most amazing thing for me was the experience that through that one simple kind of giving to others, you can receive so much, and you have the privilege of being a part of someone else’s spiritual journey.

In the last year I have been taking on the role of head of the Student Meetings team and that iswhere God worked most in my life. I have to admit, the leadership role kind of came to me unexpectedly. Others were the first to recognize my potential as a leader, while I had a problem with accepting it and I assured myself that I could not do it. I did not want to try and believed that it was my place to be only the animator. Despite insecurities, I decided to try and I really handed it all over to God so I could accept that I was team leader withall the responsibilities this carries. As we started our student meetings live for the first time, it was all very stressful for me. I wondered: „How’s it all going to be? Will it be good, or won’t it be?“ and the first meeting went disastrously in my eyes. I convinced myself that everyone had a very bad time, that no one would ever show up again, I wanted to change everything in the organization and I forgot about God a little bit. This meeting was followed by a meeting where, through a conversation with my best friend and team members through Holy Spirit, I concluded that this role was really given to me by God. I didn’t choose it; I was even convinced I didn’t want it until I was sure that it was God’s plan for my life now.I realized He’s in charge and He’s going to do what needs to be done. That „cross“ wasn’t that hard for me anymore. The second meeting confirmed the conclusion that night, and this whole task helped me trust God and His plan for my life more. I feel very proud to be a part of it all.

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