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Sve boje Kursilja – Ivan Havliček

Ja sam Ivan Havliček, imam 20 godina i dolazim iz Garešnice gdje sam odrastao u velikoj obitelji koju čine četiri sestre i dva brata. Student sam druge godine na fakultetu Prometnih znanosti u Zagrebu, a u slobodno vrijeme treniram nogomet, volim svirati gitaru, gledati filmove i nisam neki čitač knjiga osim Biblije.

U Kursilju sam animator pet godina, a za Kursiljo sam čuo kad me moj prijatelj Vjeko pozvao da idem s njim na Krapanj. Moj prvi odgovor na to je bio da ne bih baš na to išao. Od tada je prošlo godinu dana i Kursiljo se „slučajno“ pojavio u našoj župi. Tada nisam znao kako, no sada kada gledam, pretpostavljam da je bio na poticaj Vjekine mame. Na taj tečaj također nisam htio ići, no spletom okolnosti sam ipak došao. Prvi dan mi je bio kao i većini krizmanika – ne baš dobar, dok su mi ostala dva dana bila predobra. Tamo sam doživio prisutnost radosti i ljubavi te sam iste te godine odlučio otići na Krapanj. Na taj Krapanj sam došao bez nekih velikih očekivanja. Išao sam više zato što sam htio malo ići na more i kupat se, no kad sam došao, većina ljudi me počela odmah grliti, svi smo se počeli družiti i osjetila se prihvaćenost. Nisam ja na Krapnju doživio nešto prespecijalno, ali sam definitivno kroz zajedništvo osjetio da tu pripadam i da tu mogu biti ono što jesam i da mogu živjeti život u Crkvi.

Poslije Krapnja sam zamolio svog animatora da me prijavi na formaciju kako bi i ja postao animator i tu sam bio bez ikakvih dvojbi odnosno vrlo odlučan te nisam požalio. Kad sam krenuo s animiranjem, davao sam i više od svog maksimuma. Svaki vikend sam išao na tečaj i zbog toga sam brzo stekao iskustvo u animiranju i svjedočenju. Kroz prvih par godina sam sigurno bio na dvadesetak krizmaničkih tečajeva. Posebni događaj s tečaja bio je kada sam imao grupu s deset momaka koja je bila odlična. Zadnji dan, u nedjelju, došao je do mene jedan dečko govoreći mi: „Hvala ti na svemu, pomogao si mi“. Ja sam si odmah pomislio: „pa nisam ništa napravio“. Razmišljajući o tome shvatio sam da je ponekad dovoljno samo biti prisutan i da tako možeš pomoći osobi. Ta misao i taj momak su mi bili poticaj da se od tada dajem i dalje. U Kursilju sam trenutno aktivan u formativnom timu već dvije godine i u tome se vidim budući da volim organizaciju i uvijek imam nekakve ideje.

Odluku da idem za Gospodinom sam donio na Krapnju i iz iskustva znam da kada kreneš za Njim, stvari se počnu događati, mijenjati. Volim reći da Gospodin piše najljepše priče, no jako je teatralan i zanimljiv. U trenucima kad sam se ja sve više i više uključivao u Crkvu, dogodilo se to da su se moji roditelji rastali i to definitivno nije bilo lagano za preživjeti. Dok je moja obitelj to prolazila, meni su Kursiljo kao zajednica, prijatelji iz Kurslja, Bog, animiranja i svjedočenja uvijek nekako davala snagu da će sve biti dobro i da Gospodin sve želi da se dogodi s razlogom i to mi je puno pomagalo. Volim uvijek svjedočiti da se svi događaji oko nas ne događaju slučajno i da svaka loša situacija koja se dogodi može proizaći na dobro.

Posebni plodovi Kursilja u mome životu su definitivno odgovornost koju sam stekao kroz animiranja i rektoriranja, zatim ljubav, ne osuđivanje drugih i radost koja je zapravo bit kršćanstva („ta zašto da čovjek bude tužan ako je otkupljen“) te strpljivost da će Gospodin svakog spasiti.

My name is Ivan Havliček, I’m 20 years old and I come from Garešnica. My big family is made of four sisters and two brothers. I am a second-year student on FPZ. In my free time, I play football, the guitar, watch movies and I don’t really read books except for the Bible.

I have been a part of Cursillo for the last five years. First time I heard about it was from my friend Vjek owho suggested we should go to Krapanj to which I said that I don’t really want to go. After a year Cursillo “accidentally” shows up in our parish, I don’t even know how, but I’m guessing it was at the invite of Vjeko’s mom. I also didn’t want to go to Cursillo but it was a set of circumstances and I decided to attend it. The first day wasn’t so good while the other two days were amazing. There I experienced the presence of joy and love and that same year I decided to go to Krapanj. I came there without any big expectations, I went because I wanted to go swimming at the seaside. When I came there, most people started hugging me right away and we all started hanging out. I was accepted by everyone. I did not experience anything too special on Krapanj, but through friendship I felt that I belonged there and that I could be who I really am and live my life in the Church

After Krapanj, I asked my animator to report that I also wanted to be an animator. I had no doubts, was very determined and do not regret it to this day. I have been the animator in Cursillo since 2017. As I started animating more often, I went to the confirmation courses every weekend, quickly gaining experience in animating and giving testimonies. Over the first few years I must have been to at least 20 Cursillos for confirmation candidates. The most special moment from one Cursillo was when I leaded a group of 10 boys that were great and on the last day, on Sunday, a boy came to me saying “Thank you for everything, you helped me.” I immediately thought “But I didn’t do anything.”. Thinking about it, I realized that sometimes it’s enough to just be there and that’s how you can help a person. That thought and that person were impulses for me to keep giving myself to others ever since. I’ve been active in the formative team for two years now and I see myself in that since I love organizing and I always have some new ideas.

I made the decision to follow the Lord on Krapanj and I know from experience that when you follow Him, things start to happen, change. I like to say that the Lord writes the most beautiful stories, but he is very theatrical and interesting. At times when I became more and more involved in the Church, what happened was that my parents have separated, and that was definitely not easy to go through. As my family went through this, Cursillo as a community, faith, friends from Cursillo, animating and testifying always somehow gave me the hope that everything would be good and that the Lord wanted everything to happen for a reason and that helped me a lot. I always like to testify that all the events around us don’t happen by accident and that any bad situation that happen can come to good.

The best results of Cursillo in my life are definitely the responsibility I have gained through animating and being a rector, love, not judging others and the joy that is really the essence of Christianity (why beeing sad when you are redeemed) and thebelief that the Lord will save everyone.

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