Zovem se Vjekoslav Bambir i imam 20 godina. Student sam druge godine Strojarstva u Zagrebu. Dolazim iz jedne velike, tradicionalne katoličke obitelji gdje nas je jedanaestero braće i sestara. Kod nas doma od kad pamtim su redovna večernja molitva i nedjeljna misa bili uobičajeni. Vjerujem da sam na taj način primio dobre temelje za budućnost jer sam dosta rano već počeo izgrađivati svoj odnos s Bogom. U slobodno vrijeme volim igrati nogomet, otići s Kursiljo ekipom na krizmanički tečaj, zapravo se općenito u slobodno vrijeme volim družiti sa drugim ljudima.
Za Kursiljo sam saznao preko svojih roditelja koji su i danas stariji suradnici zajednice. Zapravo, već sam s godinu dana išao na svoj prvi termin na Krapnju te sam tako nastavio redovito ići svake godine na obiteljske termine. Kroz odrastanje mi se to sve svidjelo, odnosno desilo se to da sam baš zavolio Krapanj te sam na kraju 8. razreda prvi puta sam otišao. Moj prvi samostalni termin je bio srednjoškolski termin koji mi je bio jako poseban jer sam tada imao priliku vidjeti svoje vršnjake kako su istinski u srcu sretni te sam i ja poželio biti tako sretan. Dodatno me privukla prihvaćenost koju sam osjetio od drugih, zapravo, više sam osjetio prihvaćenost od drugih nego što sam tada sȃm sebe prihvaćao. Dojmila me susretljivost i skroz drugačiji odnos s drugima nego što sam mogao iskusiti u školi.
U Kursilju animiram sada već četiri godine. Oduvijek sam znao da ću jednom postati animator jer sam iz takve obitelji, ali zapravo nisam bio spreman animirati po tečajevima, a kamoli imati temu. S vremenom sam postao spremniji i to na način da sam bio uporan i ustrajan u animiranju na krizmaničkim tečajevima i izlagao se stvarima koje su mi bile teške. Postajao sam sve opušteniji uz Božju pomoć i ljubav koju sam osjećao kroz druge animatore. Moja prva tema je bila neplanirana i pisao sam ju večer prije nego što sam ju trebao posvjedočiti. Moram priznati da je meni osobno, za moj život, bilo baš super što sam bačen u vatru jer sam tako pobijedio svoj strah. Odnosno, nisam ni imao tremu jer se nisam stigao previše ni brinuti kako će sve to biti i od tada mi nije problem svjedočiti. To je bio poticaj i plod Duha Svetoga. Moja uloga danas je sudjelovanje na krizmaničkim tečajevima i na Krapnju kao animator, također sam u timu „Sve boje Kursilja“ te sam u timu za organiziranje studentskih susreta. Osjećam da me Bog poziva na krizmaniče tečajeve da se tamo dajem, da ono što sam primio kroz tolike godine u Kursilju i svoje obitelji doma prenesem mladima.
Kad gledam koji su plodovi u mom životu, istaknuo bi činjenicu da me Kursiljo više potaknuo na samostalnu izgradnju, odnosno rad na sebi pogotovo što se tiče molitve. Spoznao sam da je osobna molitva važna i Bog mi je to potvrdio tako što mi je dao milost osjetiti da je Bog živ i da mogu s Njime razgovarati. Odlučio sam započinjati i završavati dan s Bogom i s vremenom sam si polako uspijevao općenito bolje organizirati svakodnevicu i sve obaveze. Kroz druge ljude i zahvaljujući Bogu, stekao sam više samopouzdanja, postao samostalniji i sigurniji u svoje postupke. Također, jedan od velikih plodova koje sam dobio u Kursilju su definitivno prijatelji. Tu sam upoznao ljude s kojima bi volio biti cijeli život, s kojima mogu razgovarati o bilo čemu i za koje znam da će me saslušat i prihvatit. Preko Kursilja smo osnovali jednu molitvenu zajednicu imenom Viatores gdje zajedno razmatramo Božju riječ, družimo se i molimo te se podržavamo u svakodnevnici i slobodni smo dijeliti jedni s drugima ono što nam je na srcu. Još jedan plod Kursilja jest radost, kako kaže sam naziv Kursilja – Mali tečaj radosnog kršćanstva. Sad znam da što god se dogodi u životu, uvijek se mogu vratiti Bogu i sve će na kraju dobro završiti. To je to – vjera i pouzdanje u Boga.
My name is Vjekoslav Bambir, and I am 20 years old. I am a second-year student of Mechanical Engineering in Zagreb. I come from a large, traditional Catholic family where there are eleven of us brothers and sisters. At our home, since I can remember, regular evening prayer and Sunday Mass was common. I believe that in this way I received a good foundation for the future because I started building my relationship with God quite early. In my free time, I like to play football and go with the Cursillo team to Cursillo for confirmation candidates, in fact I like to spend my free time hanging out with other people.
I was introduced to Cursillo by my parents, who are also leaders in Cursillo movement. I went to Cursillo for families when I was one year old and continued to go regularly to Cursillo for families every year. Growing up, I liked it all, I fell in love with Krapanj and at the end of 8th grade, I went there alone for the first time. It was with other high schoolers, and it was very special because I had the opportunity to see how truly happy my peers were, and I wanted to be as happy as they were. I was very attracted to the acceptance I felt from others, I felt more accepted by others than I accepted myself then. I was impressed by the friendliness and completely different relationship with others than I could have experienced at school.
I have been animating in Cursillo for four years now. I always knew that one day I would become the animator because I come from such family, but I wasn’t ready to animate in Cursillos or have a testimony. Over time, I became more prepared by being persistent in animating at Cursillo for confirmation candidates and exposing myself to things that were difficult for me. I became more and more relaxed with God’s help and the love I felt from other animators. My first testimony was unplanned, and I wrote it the night before I was supposed to testify. I must admit that for me, for my life, it was great because that’s how I overcame my fear. That is, I didn’t have any anxiety because I didn’t get too worried about how it would all be, and since then I haven’t had a problem with having a testimony. It was the incentives and fruit of the Holy Spirit. Today, my role is to participate in Cursillo for confirmation candidates and on the island of Krapanj as the animator. I am also a member of the team ‘All colors of Cursillo’ and I am in the team that organizes student meetings. I feel that God is calling me to the Cursillo for confirmation candidates to be active there, to pass on to young people what I have received over the years from my family and Cursillo.
When I look at the fruits of my life, I would point out the fact that Cursillo encouraged me more to work on myself especially when it comes to prayer. I realized that personal prayer is important, and God confirmed it to me by giving me the grace to feel that He is alive and that I can talk to Him. I decided to start and end the day with God and over time I slowly managed to better organize my daily life and all my obligations in general. Through other people and thanks to God, I gained more self-confidence and became more independent and confident in my actions. Also, one of the great fruits I gained from being in Cursillo are my friends. I met people with whom I would like to spend my whole life, I can talk about anything with them, and I know they will listen to me and accept me. Through Cursillo, we have established a prayer community called Viatores where we consider the Word of God, hang out, pray and support each other in everyday life and we are free to share what is in our hearts. Another fruit of Cursillo is joy, as the name Cursillo itself says – A small course of joyful Christianity. Now I know that whatever happens in life, I can always go back to God, and everything will end well in the end. That’s it – faith and trust in God.